Sunday, February 17, 2013

You, Stopping You.

Now, who told you you couldn’t be excellent?  You!  Who said you couldn’t be what you wanted to be?  You!  If you aspire for something big, who is stopping you?  You!

Folks, I am here to tell you to believe.  Believe in yourself and believe in what you can become.  Yes, when they said anything was possible… Ahh, they meant it my friend!  It is true! 

Focus on the positives in your life.  Yes, there is competition.  Yes, there is challenges and yes, there is someone more successful than you.  But look at yourself.  You have intelligence, beauty, and capability.  There is a little energy inside you called potential.  He is yearning to blast free from his cage and pound the earth with his greatness.  Your potential is lying inside of you.  You must believe in him! 

The fact that a tree can grow from a miniscule seedling, is a miracle.  The birth of a baby, that is a true miracle!  Flying doves, a beautiful miracle.  You see, we witness miracles everyday!  So with all this beauty around, what makes you think you cannot accomplish everything you aspire for? What makes you think you can't have your own miracle?

You are nothing short of amazing.  Don’t let you stop you from succeeding!

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