Saturday, February 9, 2013

30 days.

Try something new for 30 days.  Ever heard of Matt Cutts?  Here is his concept:

Try something new for 30 days.  If you're successful, by the end of the year, you will have 12 new things you have tried and explored.  Cut sugar from your diet, write a poem daily, learn an instrument, begin rock climbing, anything!  And be consistent!  Stick to it, for 30 days.

Now, I like this.  My 30 day trials consist of what scares me most.  The very thoughts of "Oh, this would be cool to do, but man, I can feel my pulse surge already."  Yes.  Tachycardia can be good here.  Whats the one thing that you fear most?  That sends your nerves sky rocketing through your bones, shaky in the knees, and sweat dripping to the floor?  Take it, feel it, visualize it, and attack it.  Conquer that very fear, in 30 days.  And come out stronger, with success built on your shoulders.

Good luck to you all. 


1 comment:

  1. This is such a smart idea...
    "Know your Limits and Exceed Them"
    -Burke, VA's quote of the week...(Yes my city has uplifting quotes of the week ;P)
