Friday, February 15, 2013


As children, we have high aspirations.  We have minds that will build castles in the clouds and sail ships across the great seas.  We keep imaginary friendships and color outside the lines.  There is something about a child, he has hopes, dreams, plans… But he does not know of the fear that grows with time.  The fear, that if he so lets it, will shatter him.

Now, its about fear.  Fear, an emotion that will make my heart pump so loudly, I can feel my ears ring.  I can hear the sky fall from the earth and crash beneath the grounds.  I can see my palms sweat and I can feel my feet stab of pain.  I can see… I can hear.. I can feel… Fear.

It can overtake me.  I can live and give love.  But can I live up to the expectations?  Can I be what is wanted of me?  I fear my dreams… my wants… my inspirations, may dwindle.  I fear my ability to produce art will fade.  I fear this soft child I hold, this sensitive artistic child, she may succumb to the taunting eyes of this world.  I am going public, little one.  I am going to produce my thoughts on to paper and I am going to show it to the universe.    

Oh child, do not be scared.  You are sweet and ever so kind.  You have talents that transcends galaxies.  You built palaces of glass and gardens of sweet fruit.  God gave you such a strong will.  God gave you a passion.  He gave you an abundance of love surrounding your heavenly abode.  God has been so kind.  Now, child, be His instrument.  Spread the word of His goodness and of His love. 

Fear.  There is something about him.  We all have it, don’t we?  Those two seconds of what if… I can do this but, I won't for fear is too overpowering.   I can enter these gated doors, but I fear where they may lead me.  Can my energy, my delicate child, can it handle this universe?  Can it shine ever so bright in a world filled with expectations, hate, competition, and war?  Can this child, this artistic child survive?  Fear. 

I say, conquer him.  This devil, I shall break your shackles and let it go.  I shall let nothing hold me back.  This artistic child, I shall strengthen her bones and build her strong.  Yes, world, mother nature will nurture my aspirations.   She will support me.   

For fear, fear is not meant to be here.  

Be well.

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