Monday, April 29, 2013

On Finding Success

It is nearing the end of April and I realized, I only had one post for this month.  Shame, Shame, Shame on ME!  I will admit, there is no greater joy for me than spending quiet time alone in a jazzy aired café, music and words flowing from mind-to-keyboard-to-blog.  Ahh, I simply love it.  My delays in writing, however, can be attributed to the plethora of quizzes, exams, and papers I have a little something called grad school to thank for.  But here I am folks!  Here I am to deliver another post on my thoughts.  Grab your coffee, wake up Monday Morning… This is another look in to the Sweet and Savory Thoughts by Hibah Rehman.

On Finding Success

Success.  We all want it.  We want to define it.  We want to grab it by its tiny fingers and clench it in a thumb war, hold it down ‘One, Two, Three, Four I declare Thumb War!” And BAM- Success!  In our hands to graciously hold and captivate, oh Lord you are ever-so-kind.  I have success.  I have succeeded!

If it were that easy, I would end this post right here and right now.

But reality check folks- Success is NOT easy. 

But you didn’t need me to tell you that one, now did you?

Upon entering pharmacy school three-years ago, I distinctly remember the shy eyes, the quiet smiles, and the timid looks.  Amongst a crowd of 140 brilliantly studious peers, I was one to find a path.  To find myself and to find a way… How will I succeed in grad school? 

And though I still have one more year left, I have learned a few things.  I’ll share my thoughts.  And please, You let me know of yours :)
  1. To Succeed, you must define success.  What is it you want?  Outline your dream life.  Picture it and envision it.  In this beautiful world and in this beautiful life, how do you want to live? 
  2. To Succeed, you must Fail.  Fail, fail, and then fail again.  The beauty is that you never stop trying!  Accept it, you will likely fail 99 times before you actually succeed.  But it is okay, because as good-ole Jordan said, "Some people want it to happen, Some wish it would happen, other MAKE it happen!" 
  3. To Succeed, you must Believe.  If you don’t believe you will succeed, then you might as well go back to step 2 --> Fail.
  4. To Succeed, you must have Confidence.  Don’t get cocky now, because no one likes ignorance, nor does it suit you.  But I’d say this links back to #3 – believe.  Confidence is not easy to attain.  But stop comparing yourself to others and reach deep inside - what are your strengths?  
  5. To Succeed, you must, absolutely MUST, stay Positive.  You can likely point out 1001 of your weakness.  You can even choose to focus on your negatives.  You can choose to let the negatives bring you down.    
         YOU can choose to turn your weakness into a strength.  YOU can choose to stay 
         positive.  YOU can choose to keep trying. YOU can choose to believe that YOU WILL
         SUCCEED, because God willing, you will fly high!     
     6.  To Succeed, you must be Happy.  Be happy in your current situation.  Be grateful for 
          what you have now.  Love yourself and love God.  Be kind and be generous.  Always be 
          good and always have the best intentions towards others.   

I am a believer.  Good things happen to good people.

Good luck folks.  I wish you all love and Success.

Be well.

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