Thursday, March 21, 2013

This Moment Called Now.

I have walked past the same hospital every single day on my way to school.  Everyday, it is the same situation.  People, in their hustle and bustle, entering and leaving.  Busy on their phones, assisting those on a wheelchair, yelling at the traffic guard...  I love to take it in.  I love to breathe the beauty of this city.  For each second is harmonious.  It is a single moment that shall soon vanish in thin air and become the past.  How often do you stop to look around and appreciate that present moment? 

There is music in your city, have you heard it?  There is music in the honking of the bumper-to-bumper cars.  There is music in the clicks of heels racing across the cement.  There is music in the water that drips softly from the broken pipes.  All perfectly orchestrated to yield an effortless symphony.  I heard it in the present moment.

There is beauty in this moment called now.  Take heed to the sound of your breath, ever so softly synchronized with your lungs to keep you alive.  There is beauty in this moment called now.  Listen to your voice, singing like butterflies dancing in the sweet wind.  There is beauty in this moment called now.  Listen to the air that prances about the aura you emit gently.  Listen and see the now.

I believe in the now.  I do not live in the past and I cannot stress the future.  But I believe in right here, right now.  Because this very moment, this very present moment.... this is real.  This is what I have.  This present moment has the ability to change my world.  It has the ability to undo my past and become a new person.  It has the ability to reshape my future and help me become what I want to be. 

Yes, there is beauty in this moment called now.  Yes, look around you.  There is goodness in life.  Absolute goodness.  God has created a beautiful world. 

All it takes is the present moment to see it. 

All it takes is recognizing the beauty in this moment called now.

Be well.


  1. Your post reminds me of a poem called "stealing moments".
