Wednesday, August 7, 2013

August Challenge Part 2

Such an OVERWHELMINGLY amazing response from you beautiful people!!  I might have to up my goal of 1000 miles because of the great interest.  

But, I think not :)  Lets see where this goes.

Okay, so I've created an online forum to make this process a bit easier.  You can log your miles as frequently or un-frequently as you like.  Just make sure not to log the same miles twice! 

Click here to track your miles!

Remember, this challenge begins Aug 10-Sept 10.

Get hyped!!!

Be well,


Saturday, August 3, 2013

August Challenge!

So I was churning my mind for a new challenge this month.  I hadn't the slightest clue what would be good.  So I came up with an idea. Pull out the big guns and consult the fiancé...

Just loving his ideas already!

Guys, this month we're gonna work as a group.  This month we will show each other what it is like to be a community and support one another.

This August I will be forming a group. All of us will collectively run, walk, swim, and bike/spin 1000 miles! Far fetched? I think not!!

So lets break out those track shoes and start running / walking.  Download the pedometer app and track your mileage.

August challenge begins Saturday Aug. 10 - Sep. 10.

Let do this.  Lets get healthy together!

Be well.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Breathe. Live. Pray.

Happy Ramadan!

Its day 9... I'm a bit late, but Ramadan Mubarak!

Ask me why I'm still awake at 5:30 am on this ever-so-quiet Wednesday morning. 

Well, since you asked....

I often ponder where life is headed.. What will my next steps be?  Do I want to study further?  Do I want to find a job doing XYZ?  What do I see myself doing 20 years from now?  The questions really don't stop.  I can churn my mind, left and right, with question after question.  The problem is.... I never get an answer.


I can keep asking.  I can keep wondering.  But the fact of the matter is, only time will yield a solution. 

I bring this up during this beautiful month.  I'm realizing, I have no control over my destiny.  I haven't the slightest clue as to where this day will take me.  Will I even live to see tonight's crescent moon cast its glow upon the city's sleepers? 

And this is where I begin to realize... Just give it up, Hibah.  Life is too beautiful for worries and questions. 

And so, let this day commence with a sweet fast. 

May we all grow in our spiritual strength.  And may we pray to God for protection and guidance in this heavenly world. 

Stop the questions.  Breathe.  Live.  Pray.

Be well.


Thursday, June 6, 2013

I'm Still Here!

Yes, Yes, Yes I am!  I didn't disappear, I am here, and I am near :)

Excuse me for my long hiatus, but I am back and ready to send you brand, spankin fresh thoughts and ideas!  So without further adieu, lets get started !

I haven't announced my new challenge yet for several reasons.  1.  I'm running out of ideas.  2.  I was losing motivation.  3.  Life caught up to me. 

So here I am to make my amends.  Challenge for June -->  Run a HALF MARATHON!

Yes. Yes. and YES.

There's a story behind this. 

In middle school, I used to run the mile thinking -- I will never do this again.  Next thing I know, a friend asked me to join track, and I signed myself up for long-freaking-distance.  Was I any good?  Absolutely NOT!  But, give me the credit, I went with it.

Running has sense become a soothing journey for me.  The longest I have run is a 10k.  I have attempted a half once before, however my knee gave out and I couldn't complete it.  So here it is, attempt number 2.

Can I do it??  Will you challenge yourself?

Missed you guys!

Be well.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Guys, I predict May 2013 to be a BEAUTIFULLY LEAN and HEALTHY month!  Yes, you heard right!  Get FIT and Get LEAN !  That means Lots and Lots of Burning FAT!  Get ready for the summer and let this month be YOUR month!  Melt away those calories and up your cardio!

I challenge YOU this month to:
  1. Up the cardio 
  • Level 1:  Challenge yourself to 15-30 minutes of cardio 2-3 times each week.  MWF, pick three days and be sure to rest in between for OPTIMAL performance!
  • Level 2:  20-40 minutes of cardio 3-4 times a week.
  • Level 3:  30-60 minutes of cardio 4-6 times a week. 
Include interval training for best results.  Run, Zumba, Fast Walk, Swim, Play a sport.. Whatever it is, get that heart pumping and let that sweat drip.  This month, we are BURNING FAT!

FB Page: ISeeHealth
Instagram: ISeeHealth


Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Spoken Word

Starting this blog was simply one of the best things that happened to me.  It opened up doors I didn't even know were waiting for me.  I never used to write and never was I told I had decent writing skills.  I am realizing now, each and every one of us HAS hidden talents.  Unleash your inner you and find the beauty God gave you. 

On that note, I tried out spoken word for the first time today.  Let me know your thoughts.

Peace and Love.

Be well.


Monday, April 29, 2013

On Finding Success

It is nearing the end of April and I realized, I only had one post for this month.  Shame, Shame, Shame on ME!  I will admit, there is no greater joy for me than spending quiet time alone in a jazzy aired café, music and words flowing from mind-to-keyboard-to-blog.  Ahh, I simply love it.  My delays in writing, however, can be attributed to the plethora of quizzes, exams, and papers I have a little something called grad school to thank for.  But here I am folks!  Here I am to deliver another post on my thoughts.  Grab your coffee, wake up Monday Morning… This is another look in to the Sweet and Savory Thoughts by Hibah Rehman.

On Finding Success

Success.  We all want it.  We want to define it.  We want to grab it by its tiny fingers and clench it in a thumb war, hold it down ‘One, Two, Three, Four I declare Thumb War!” And BAM- Success!  In our hands to graciously hold and captivate, oh Lord you are ever-so-kind.  I have success.  I have succeeded!

If it were that easy, I would end this post right here and right now.

But reality check folks- Success is NOT easy. 

But you didn’t need me to tell you that one, now did you?

Upon entering pharmacy school three-years ago, I distinctly remember the shy eyes, the quiet smiles, and the timid looks.  Amongst a crowd of 140 brilliantly studious peers, I was one to find a path.  To find myself and to find a way… How will I succeed in grad school? 

And though I still have one more year left, I have learned a few things.  I’ll share my thoughts.  And please, You let me know of yours :)
  1. To Succeed, you must define success.  What is it you want?  Outline your dream life.  Picture it and envision it.  In this beautiful world and in this beautiful life, how do you want to live? 
  2. To Succeed, you must Fail.  Fail, fail, and then fail again.  The beauty is that you never stop trying!  Accept it, you will likely fail 99 times before you actually succeed.  But it is okay, because as good-ole Jordan said, "Some people want it to happen, Some wish it would happen, other MAKE it happen!" 
  3. To Succeed, you must Believe.  If you don’t believe you will succeed, then you might as well go back to step 2 --> Fail.
  4. To Succeed, you must have Confidence.  Don’t get cocky now, because no one likes ignorance, nor does it suit you.  But I’d say this links back to #3 – believe.  Confidence is not easy to attain.  But stop comparing yourself to others and reach deep inside - what are your strengths?  
  5. To Succeed, you must, absolutely MUST, stay Positive.  You can likely point out 1001 of your weakness.  You can even choose to focus on your negatives.  You can choose to let the negatives bring you down.    
         YOU can choose to turn your weakness into a strength.  YOU can choose to stay 
         positive.  YOU can choose to keep trying. YOU can choose to believe that YOU WILL
         SUCCEED, because God willing, you will fly high!     
     6.  To Succeed, you must be Happy.  Be happy in your current situation.  Be grateful for 
          what you have now.  Love yourself and love God.  Be kind and be generous.  Always be 
          good and always have the best intentions towards others.   

I am a believer.  Good things happen to good people.

Good luck folks.  I wish you all love and Success.

Be well.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

I Cheated.

If you've been following my YouTube channel, you maybe wondering how my raw food diet is going.  I have been itching to announce that I had TWO days of FULL-ON CHEATING (in the 9 days since starting)!  Yes sir/ma'am, I cheated like it was a final exam.  And, don't mistaken the energetic tone as one of pride in my lack of self-control.  No, I will be the first to admit that I have been feeling beyond guilty.. As if I should be shunned with a scarlet letter publicizing my cheat and defeat.

Ahh, melodramatic Hibah.. Where have you been hiding?

Truth be told, delving into my sweet cravings of pizza, homeade palau, and store bought cake has me seriously contemplating.  Like, seriously!

Going raw, I was feeling excellent.  This is the first time in my life I have focused exclusively on fruits and colorful veggies.  And I gotta tell you, nothing makes you feel any better than eating 'life' just as it comes to you.. sweet, organic, unrefined, and pure.

That feeling of energy and goodness completely dissipated when I bit into a slice of pizza this morning.  I craved it not for the taste but because of my social environment.  It was the mere fact that I was the only individual standing in a room of 100+ without a plate of neatly trimmed yellow-ribboned cake.  The taste, ahh.. it didn't even equate to the freshness of my raw burritos or raw pasta.  So why did I eat it?  Beats me!

It is SERIOUSLY mental!

So, I have concluded: I will continue the remainder of this month as raw as I can possible be.  Whether or not I reach that 100% is to be determined.  But my focus is to keep raw and see exactly how I feel on this diet.

Before I leave, I want to conclude with one thought.

How do you expect to feel when you eat foods that were stripped completely of their nutrition?  When the foods took zero prep time, cheap to buy, and quick to cook?  Now, how do you think you would feel eating a food grown with love, sprouted by the earth, picked with care, and sold with pride?  Eat whole foods and I will guarantee you will feel like a different person.

You can ask me.  I cheated and ate pizza.  And I felt like crap. 

Be well.

Friday, March 29, 2013

On Freeing Yourself of Your Problems

The one day I finally tell myself I will sleep no later than midnight sharp ... I awaken at an ungodly hour, disturbed with thoughts that will simply not let me rest.  So here I am folks, 1 o'clock in the morning,  fingers tap-dancing on my keyboard.

Hello world.


Over the past few weeks, I have faced a slew of challenging situations.  Problems arose and I had no idea how to tackle them.  I never thought of myself as one to stress.  I'd like to say my plasma levels maintain a steady state of happiness to the nth degree.  But, it is practically inevitable.  At some point, we are deemed to encounter such gnawing complexities - leaving us feeling... well... stressed.  Ahh... Stress.  The million dollar culprit fueling America's home of workaholics and healthy demise.

Wiki will be the first to let you know, stress is the 'body's way to react to a challenge.' 

In its most simplistic and natural state, the cause of your stress boils down to a problem and how you perceive that problem.  A problem, in Hibah's most humble definition, is a self-created complexity at which ignites a state of worry and anxiety.  Before Webster can refute my definition, I will explain.  I do not believe in problems.  I believe in a challenge.  

Yes, there is a difference.

I can tell you, 99.99% of the issues we face daily are self-made.  Yessir, I said it.  You are the sole creator of your problems.  

I'm sorry, what? 

If you are poor, you chose to make money your problem.  If work has stacked papers like sky-scrapers on your desk, you chose to make work your problem.  If your in-laws bug you with daily to-dos, you chose to make family your problem.   You cannot control the situations God puts you in.  Agonizing over the past is simply silly, the past has vanished.  Nor should you stress the unforeseeable future, for you can do nothing but submit to the world that comes to you.  But on a positive note, you do have NOW.  Now is precious.  You have challenges that enter NOW.  So in the now, attack the situation at hand and submit to the results God places.  

I am also at fault here.   We expect happiness and resolution to come to us the next day or the next week or the next month.  We are always expecting time to bring us happiness.  We look forward to tomorrow because we have a preconceived notion that TOMORROW will bring us happy.  But hello, what about the present moment?  You are living each moment for the next moment, never fully are you here in the PRESENT moment!  And by the time the future reach us, it becomes... the present moment.  So really, is there a future, if when it comes to you, it becomes your now? 

A problem arises from a constant state of worrying the unknown.  You think you have a problem!  "Oh my gosh, I have to do XYZ by tomorrow's 5 o'clock deadline."  BUT, what problems are currently present at this current moment?  Really think this through, at this moment... what problem do you have now?  It is likely that you do not have a problem now, but you have a challenge, perhaps pain and possibly even emotions involved.  Now, you can accept the challenge and do the work you need to adhere to your deadline.  What tomorrow brings is another day, not to be stressed over until it becomes your now

Free yourself of your -what my friend Eckhart Tolle likes to say- 'problem-making' attitude.  Surrender to what is current.  Take life as it comes to you, one step at a time.  Because when you live in the now, you internally align yourself with the present moment.  Seeing the beauty of what you have now.  

And Now... Now will bring you freedom.  

Be well. 

Thursday, March 21, 2013

This Moment Called Now.

I have walked past the same hospital every single day on my way to school.  Everyday, it is the same situation.  People, in their hustle and bustle, entering and leaving.  Busy on their phones, assisting those on a wheelchair, yelling at the traffic guard...  I love to take it in.  I love to breathe the beauty of this city.  For each second is harmonious.  It is a single moment that shall soon vanish in thin air and become the past.  How often do you stop to look around and appreciate that present moment? 

There is music in your city, have you heard it?  There is music in the honking of the bumper-to-bumper cars.  There is music in the clicks of heels racing across the cement.  There is music in the water that drips softly from the broken pipes.  All perfectly orchestrated to yield an effortless symphony.  I heard it in the present moment.

There is beauty in this moment called now.  Take heed to the sound of your breath, ever so softly synchronized with your lungs to keep you alive.  There is beauty in this moment called now.  Listen to your voice, singing like butterflies dancing in the sweet wind.  There is beauty in this moment called now.  Listen to the air that prances about the aura you emit gently.  Listen and see the now.

I believe in the now.  I do not live in the past and I cannot stress the future.  But I believe in right here, right now.  Because this very moment, this very present moment.... this is real.  This is what I have.  This present moment has the ability to change my world.  It has the ability to undo my past and become a new person.  It has the ability to reshape my future and help me become what I want to be. 

Yes, there is beauty in this moment called now.  Yes, look around you.  There is goodness in life.  Absolute goodness.  God has created a beautiful world. 

All it takes is the present moment to see it. 

All it takes is recognizing the beauty in this moment called now.

Be well.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

A Precription to Positivity.

Today it snowed.  It is just about tradition, when it snows my mother instantly tunes in to her inner chef and revs up a first class punjabi meal.  Today, it was crispy parathay with minced beef and spice.  Ahh, comfort food for my very American, Punjabi soul.  Having overindulged, I supplemented with a warm cup of unsweetened green tea.  And so I began to write... with cozy by my side and thoughts pouring through my soul like the fluff of sweet snow, I began to write...


"Haha, who're you kidding... You ain't good enough."
"Umm, you might as well stop there, because you stink."
"You're definitely not skinny enough."
"You swear like you're the nicest person on earth."
"Trust me, there are way better people than you out there."

Sound familiar?  The voices of your inner critic bang your head like a toddler with pots and pans. You hear him each time you decide, 

'Today will be a new day."  
"Today, I will make a step into a positive direction."
"Today, I will wear the outfit that best expresses me."

And so, you begin.  You begin to start your day feeling great.  People may even respond with, 'Oh my, don't you look fab today!'   And yes, you continue to feel fab, all day!  But it is only a matter of time, when the husky, ever so bombastic voice begins to cast his devilistic shadow.  "Seriously?  You seriously thought that outfit made you look good? I mean, for reals!"  

It is practically instinctual, yet we do it to ourselves.  There is no better external critic than the one that lives inside of YOU. You see, we ARE our own WORST critics!  Have you thought, what would happen if I simply reversed that thought.  What would happen if I duck-taped my critic and actually began to think more positively?  What would happen if I actually BELIEVED I was capable of XYZ?

I believe negativity to be a learned behavior.  As children, we are powerful beings.  We are constantly yearning to observe the environment, touch, feel, hear, and explore our 5 senses.  We enter our terrible twos, challenge our very own parents, and claim to be atop of the world.  There is an innate understanding that we are capable.  That yes, God-willing, as a 1 year old child, I can take my first step... I can verbalize my first word... I can learn to read.

But what happens with time as we grow older.  Into our fours and fives, the world suddenly becomes clearer and more crisp.  Suddenly, social media, shopping, and competition becomes the vain of our existence.  Or so, our friend named society has taught.  The place that occupied the brain that always told us, "I can, I can, I CAN" has now become, "I can't, seriously I CAN'T!"    

 So we go about living our days in complete and utter negativity.  The lens at which we view the world becomes dim and dark.  We envy the model with the prettier face, the student with greater intellect, the jock with unwavering agility, the speaker with fluid articulation, and so on.  You see, we are constantly, constantly comparing ourselves to the being directly in front of us.  And by doing so, we are simply feeding the critic with juicy envy and bitter depression.  You are only allowing your critic to grow and grow further just by continuously comparing yourself to the stronger, smarter, and better looking girl/guy two feet from you.

There is beauty in the person that you are.  I have said it once and I will say it again.  God created you with a special purpose.  I believe everyone is a genius.  Yes, I really do and YES, that would be you!  I believe we all carry an immense potential, that can and does go undiscovered.. Simply because we are too negative to realize it. 

So to keep this post from getting any longer, I want to give you a prescription to positivity.  No, I am not a doctor and yes I am only a student.  But, I want to tell you what has completely changed my life, for the better.  Here is your Rx. 

Diagnosis: Hyper-negativity Syndrome 
Drug: Gratitude by QuickFix Pharma.
Dose / Frequency: 5 minutes once every morning and night, titrate up as tolerated.  
Duration:  21 days 
Refills: Unlimited
  1. Be Grateful.  The second you wake up in the morning, before you even lift your comforter, shout out 3 (at least) new beautiful things you are grateful for.  Truly feel the power of the morning and the beauty of this day.  Yes, God gave you another day to live.  This is your gift.  This is your PRIVILEGE to see the world, just one more day!  So say it proud and LOUD, what are you grateful for?  
  2. Give.  Do one nice thing for another once every day.  Send a thank you card to your mail man, email a friend and tell him / her how great of a person he / she is, etc.  Not only will this make you feel good, but you see, you're spreading love!!  And love is contagious.  That positive bug you have will indeed infect your neighbors, and it will go viral!
  3. Be Positive.  Yes, be positive.   Any time your critic yells, "YOU SUCK," you grab him by the ears and smush him!  Proudly and confidently yell back at him, "I am capable!"  Always, always, ALWAYS stay positive.  No matter what situation you are in.  Even when you are in your most deepest and darkest place, there is something positive to look forward to...!

For now, this is all I will prescribe.  Shifting from a negative to a positive outlook takes baby steps.  But with persistence and motivation, I have full confidence you can shrink your critic and believe in the powers invested within you! 

Now, excuse me while I chow down on my mother's whole-wheat paratha (yes, I am allowing occasional wheat on this sugar fast :)

Be well. 

Friday, March 1, 2013

Yoga for the Mind.

Yesterday, my little brother came for a visit.  We ordered greasy pizza (which, yes I will admit, I wanted to sample!) and gup shup'd the night away.  I had him try something new, however. 

This is how it went:

"So Basheer, every night before bedtime, I have a little meditation session."
"A meda--what!?!? Dude, I'm not doing that with you.  Do guys seriously do that?"

Okay, this kid is gonna get a tapar.  I then continued to force meditation 101 on him.  

And he enjoyed every second of it. 

Let me ask you: When was the last time you broke from your busy day to take 10 mindful minutes?  We go about our days working, helping, cooking, cleaning, running, walking, traffic, and talking.  But when, when did you give yourself 10 minutes to simply do... well.. nothing!?  To just relax and allow thoughts to flow in and out.  To focus on the sound of your breath... inhale... exhale... inhale... exhale.

Now, as Muslims, we pray 5 times a day.  Prayer is beautiful, but I feel it is not always given the full focus it should.  The whole process of prayer may possibly take 10 minutes (ie. wudu, intention, prayer), though I agree timing is individualistic.  But for this example, suppose it takes 10 minutes overall.  If we were to truly focus our thoughts only on God, that means we are spending roughly 50 minutes a day in pure connection and meditation essentially.  I mean, Subhan'Allah!  What scientists are now realizing is so beneficial for our health, Allah (S) has prescribed for us centuries ago!  

My instagram'd photo, because yes, the iphone is the best and only camera I have :)

Think of it this way.  When we work our bodies too hard, the fatigue allows better sleep, and thus a better functioning body.  Your mind is constantly working.  But for just 10 minutes, allow your mind to relax.  Give him the rest he needs!  Sleep well, live well, be healthy, and love the person you are. 

So be it through prayer or by a simple 10 minute mental-vacation, relax that mind.  Breathe the present moment.  Feel God in the air.  He is good. 

I say- light those candles.. dim those lights.. hear the ocean... and just breathe!  

Its yoga for the mind.

Be well.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Feminine Woman


I search this world for the feminine woman.  I feel her presence, ever so softly.  I see her beauty, ever so elegantly.  Who is she?  She has a shell of class, independence, and dignity.  This feminine woman, she spreads love like butter on sweet toast.  This feminine woman, she is a sparkling jewel.

In this world, I want to hear the feminine woman.  I want to see her push past brick walls and fly with independence on her wings.  In this world, I want to see the feminine woman be viewed for her strength and integrity.  I want this world to see her for her value, not the curve of her hips or the silhouette of her beauty.


Rise feminine woman.  You are built strong to rise to a level no man has landed.  Let your incandescence be the message of your worth.   Let your limbs gracefully surf the challenges of this world.  Let your lips dance with powerful words.  Let love enter the heart of your sweet soul.

And may you shine, oh feminine woman.  May you shine.

Be well.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Day 10 Collaboration

Ladies and Gentlemen!  I just have to announce how awesome this sugar fast is going!  Today marks the end of day 11 and the start to day 12.  I am feeling wonderfully positive and beyond energetic! 

I am not gonna 'sugar' coat it and say it hasn't been challenging.  The journey thus far has been a mental battle, requiring much discipline and perseverence.  Each day it gets a bit tougher, but even more fruitful.  I am happy to look back and say 'thank God I didn't fall for my sugar craving when I thought I was at my weakest.' 

Don't underestimate the strength you have.  You are able to accomplish what your heart desires. A little hard work and dedication can take you miles, my friend, just miles!

Be Well!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Test.

I'd be lying to you if I told you I never felt a loss so strong, it stung my bones.  I'd be lying to you if I told you I never felt such powerful envy, it almost consumed me.  I'd be lying to you if I told you I never felt so incompetent, it almost put me in a complete rut.  But I timidly admit that yes, I have experienced the emotional bouts of just any other human in this world.   

And so my friend, yes, I see highs, and I see lows.  I see energy, and I see sorrow.  I see the emotions that consume the vast majority.  When the abundant and the plenty come running in to our arms, we are elated.  When our expectations are exceeded, we are soaring off a natural high.  When the world takes a few flips, we are suddenly filled with despair.  When hope is slipped from our fingers, we cry and curl in our small confines for only sleep can ease our pain.  And when all we have is snatched from our hands, we fall so hard, the moon becomes faint to our deepening eyes.   

What we forget to realize, money is a test.  Popularity, is a test.  Intelligence, is a test.  Family, is a test.  Just as loss is a test.  Death is a test.  Behavior is a test.  How we treat our neighbors, is a test.  What content we choose to view, is a test.  What decisions we decide to make, is a test.  Most importantly, the relationship we choose to build with our Creator, is a test.   

The gifts we have come in the form of a test.  Everything that comes to you and everything that is taken from you is from Allah (S).   For this, I believe what we perceive as 'good' isn't always good.  And what we perceive as 'bad', isn't always bad.  Any gift you are easily given, choose to remember that God can easily take it away.  When the universe gives you an emotion of joy, choose to thank God.  When your emotions keep you happy, choose to thank God.  When your emotions create fear and grief, still, choose to thank God. 

Dark moments can consume us.  Emotions can create fear and we can lose our true selves.  But have you thought, does it have to be that way?  What if you changed your perspective and said 'this is a test, I shall submit to my Creator."  Must we succumb to our emotions? Should you choose to remember The All-Mighty, you will find peace. 


And peace is the emotion that will set you free.

Be well. 

Thank You, Thank You!

I started this blog for various reasons, one being to try whatever scared the living bajeezy out of me.  I didn't know what to write about and I had no direction of the blog.  My goal - to conquer a fear and come out stronger.  I made the decision to stick to this blog, daily for 30 days with or without positive feedback. 


In just a little over a week of beginning this blog, I have received such amazing and thoughtful comments from all sorts of people!  It is a true blessing from God to be surrounded by such energetic and positive minded individuals. 

I must express my sincere gratitude to you all for reading and encouraging me.

I am grateful, incredibly grateful to Allah (S), my family, my (beyond-words-amazing) sister, my friends, and you wonderful readers.  I am even more convinced of the great love and support our community holds.

Happy Reading!

Monday, February 18, 2013

30 Days to a NEW You!

Yes Guys, in honor of my 7th day off sugar, I have decided to compile a motivational video.  Why?  Because I am LOVING this!!! I love, love having control slipped back into my palm.  I love having the strength and the courage to say no cupcake, you are so darn cute but no.. I refuse your pounds!

You can do it too!  You can make a change, make a positive change!  Let's go guys, 30 days of good-will and hard work.  Get Fit and get Healthy!

And when you're 30 days is up, trust me, you're not gonna stop!

Spread the word.  We can start a revolution!

Be Well and Feel Good!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

You, Stopping You.

Now, who told you you couldn’t be excellent?  You!  Who said you couldn’t be what you wanted to be?  You!  If you aspire for something big, who is stopping you?  You!

Folks, I am here to tell you to believe.  Believe in yourself and believe in what you can become.  Yes, when they said anything was possible… Ahh, they meant it my friend!  It is true! 

Focus on the positives in your life.  Yes, there is competition.  Yes, there is challenges and yes, there is someone more successful than you.  But look at yourself.  You have intelligence, beauty, and capability.  There is a little energy inside you called potential.  He is yearning to blast free from his cage and pound the earth with his greatness.  Your potential is lying inside of you.  You must believe in him! 

The fact that a tree can grow from a miniscule seedling, is a miracle.  The birth of a baby, that is a true miracle!  Flying doves, a beautiful miracle.  You see, we witness miracles everyday!  So with all this beauty around, what makes you think you cannot accomplish everything you aspire for? What makes you think you can't have your own miracle?

You are nothing short of amazing.  Don’t let you stop you from succeeding!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Love - in a Hopeless Place.

Love:  The feeling that brings us the warm and the fuzzies.  We find it in our families, amongst our friends, but mostly, in our significant other.  In love, we can fly sky high.  We open our hearts and welcome love to flow like a river... let it stream through our blood with goodness.  Ah, yes, this love.  This love, we find it, we find it in a human being and we treasure it.

But if and when this love breaks... When we are denied of the one person who brought us fulfillment, we transform into beings of needs and cravings.  We chase after an obsession.  We glorify him or her in our thoughts and suddenly find ourselves hopeless.  But I say, rise up!  We yearn for the attention and forget the greater purpose.  Rise up!  We cry with broken hearts, and build grief in our minds.  Rise up!  We diminish our self-worth and find emptiness in our soul.  Rise, Rise, Rise Up!

Rise.  Because this concept we are taught, it is completely false.  God created each and every one of us with His infinite love.  He crafted clay into humans and blew magic into their souls.  And then He watched… He watched as each one of them grew to find love in every source, other than of their very own Creator.  Why?  Why do we search to this world to fill our empty and aching hearts?  If we just looked, God is ready to hand us His ultimate love!  You see, we are searching for love in all of the wrong places!  Rhianna couldn’t have said it better -oftentimes, we find ‘love in a hopeless place.’ So Rise Up, dear friend.  

I am not here to tell you not to love humanity.  I am not here to tell you not to love your spouse.  I am not even telling you to hate the ex who cracked a scar in your soft heart.  I am here to say, Love!  If we are all beings of the True and Almighty, we will feel his love and spread it to the world.  Embrace his light, search for him inside of you!  His love is so strong, it is unimaginable and unthinkable.  Find it, oh please find it!   Because when you love God, when you give him your all and allow him to enter your life with purity and goodness… You shall see... People…  They will give you their love.  They will treat you with respect.  Why?  Because when you love God, you begin to love all of his creations.  You spread love to everyone around you, for each one of us is a product of The All-Knowing and The Most Merciful.  And when you give love, oh friend, you will be given an abundance of pure love and joy.  It is through this abundance of goodness God shows you His love for you!  Yes, I have full faith in this world.  Yes, people are beautiful and they are kind.  Yes, each one of us, we are each a substance built by a wonderful God. 

For those of you who are looking to stitch a broken wound, see the beauty in front of you.  Feel the present moment, the air beneath your ears, the wind brushing your arm, the smiles of the children, and the cool calm of the evening sky.  Love is all around, you must open your eyes and see it!  God has created mountains and villages, smiles and laughter, warmth and cozy -All for you to recognize his endless love.  Then, begin to love yourself.  Understand the intelligence and the potential you hold.  Fall in love with every cell that makes you.. you!  Love who you are, love God, and love the people who shaped you into the great being you have become.  Yes, dear friend, Rise Up!

When you have God’s love, you know your heart is protected.  When you have God’s love, you will never experience a broken heart.  So why not return the love? 

Why not Rise Up?

Be well. 

Friday, February 15, 2013


As children, we have high aspirations.  We have minds that will build castles in the clouds and sail ships across the great seas.  We keep imaginary friendships and color outside the lines.  There is something about a child, he has hopes, dreams, plans… But he does not know of the fear that grows with time.  The fear, that if he so lets it, will shatter him.

Now, its about fear.  Fear, an emotion that will make my heart pump so loudly, I can feel my ears ring.  I can hear the sky fall from the earth and crash beneath the grounds.  I can see my palms sweat and I can feel my feet stab of pain.  I can see… I can hear.. I can feel… Fear.

It can overtake me.  I can live and give love.  But can I live up to the expectations?  Can I be what is wanted of me?  I fear my dreams… my wants… my inspirations, may dwindle.  I fear my ability to produce art will fade.  I fear this soft child I hold, this sensitive artistic child, she may succumb to the taunting eyes of this world.  I am going public, little one.  I am going to produce my thoughts on to paper and I am going to show it to the universe.    

Oh child, do not be scared.  You are sweet and ever so kind.  You have talents that transcends galaxies.  You built palaces of glass and gardens of sweet fruit.  God gave you such a strong will.  God gave you a passion.  He gave you an abundance of love surrounding your heavenly abode.  God has been so kind.  Now, child, be His instrument.  Spread the word of His goodness and of His love. 

Fear.  There is something about him.  We all have it, don’t we?  Those two seconds of what if… I can do this but, I won't for fear is too overpowering.   I can enter these gated doors, but I fear where they may lead me.  Can my energy, my delicate child, can it handle this universe?  Can it shine ever so bright in a world filled with expectations, hate, competition, and war?  Can this child, this artistic child survive?  Fear. 

I say, conquer him.  This devil, I shall break your shackles and let it go.  I shall let nothing hold me back.  This artistic child, I shall strengthen her bones and build her strong.  Yes, world, mother nature will nurture my aspirations.   She will support me.   

For fear, fear is not meant to be here.  

Be well.