But if and when this love breaks... When we are denied of the one person who brought us fulfillment, we transform into beings of needs and cravings. We chase after an obsession. We glorify him or her in our thoughts and suddenly find ourselves hopeless. But I say, rise up! We yearn for the attention and forget the greater purpose. Rise up! We cry with broken hearts, and build grief in our minds. Rise up! We diminish our self-worth and find emptiness in our soul. Rise, Rise, Rise Up!
Rise. Because this concept we are taught, it is completely false. God created each and every one of us with His infinite love. He crafted clay into humans and blew magic into their souls. And then He watched… He watched as each one of them grew to find love in every source, other than of their very own Creator. Why? Why do we search to this world to fill our empty and aching hearts? If we just looked, God is ready to hand us His ultimate love! You see, we are searching for love in all of the wrong places! Rhianna couldn’t have said it better -oftentimes, we find ‘love in a hopeless place.’ So Rise Up, dear friend.
I am not here to tell you not to love humanity. I am not here to tell you not to love your spouse. I am not even telling you to hate the ex who cracked a scar in your soft heart. I am here to say, Love! If we are all beings of the True and Almighty, we will feel his love and spread it to the world. Embrace his light, search for him inside of you! His love is so strong, it is unimaginable and unthinkable. Find it, oh please find it! Because when you love God, when you give him your all and allow him to enter your life with purity and goodness… You shall see... People… They will give you their love. They will treat you with respect. Why? Because when you love God, you begin to love all of his creations. You spread love to everyone around you, for each one of us is a product of The All-Knowing and The Most Merciful. And when you give love, oh friend, you will be given an abundance of pure love and joy. It is through this abundance of goodness God shows you His love for you! Yes, I have full faith in this world. Yes, people are beautiful and they are kind. Yes, each one of us, we are each a substance built by a wonderful God.
For those of you who are looking to stitch a broken wound,
see the beauty in front of you. Feel the
present moment, the air beneath your ears, the wind brushing your arm, the
smiles of the children, and the cool calm of the evening sky. Love is all around, you must open your eyes and see it! God has created mountains and villages,
smiles and laughter, warmth and cozy -All for you to recognize his endless
love. Then, begin to love yourself. Understand the intelligence and the potential you hold. Fall in love with every cell that makes you.. you! Love who you are, love God, and
love the people who shaped you into the great being you have become. Yes, dear friend, Rise Up!
When you have God’s love, you know your heart is
protected. When you have God’s love, you
will never experience a broken heart. So
why not return the love?
Why not Rise Up?
Be well.
True love!