If you've been following my YouTube channel, you maybe wondering how my raw food diet is going. I have been itching to announce that I had TWO days of FULL-ON CHEATING (in the 9 days since starting)! Yes sir/ma'am, I cheated like it was a final exam. And, don't mistaken the energetic tone as one of pride in my lack of self-control. No, I will be the first to admit that I have been feeling beyond guilty.. As if I should be shunned with a scarlet letter publicizing my cheat and defeat.
Ahh, melodramatic Hibah.. Where have you been hiding?
Truth be told, delving into my sweet cravings of pizza, homeade palau, and store bought cake has me seriously contemplating. Like, seriously!
Going raw, I was feeling excellent. This is the first time in my life I have focused exclusively on fruits and colorful veggies. And I gotta tell you, nothing makes you feel any better than eating 'life' just as it comes to you.. sweet, organic, unrefined, and pure.
That feeling of energy and goodness completely dissipated when I bit into a slice of pizza this morning. I craved it not for the taste but because of my social environment. It was the mere fact that I was the only individual standing in a room of 100+ without a plate of neatly trimmed yellow-ribboned cake. The taste, ahh.. it didn't even equate to the freshness of my raw burritos or raw pasta. So why did I eat it? Beats me!
It is SERIOUSLY mental!

So, I have concluded: I will continue the remainder of this month as raw as I can possible be. Whether or not I reach that 100% is to be determined. But my focus is to keep raw and see exactly how I feel on this diet.
Before I leave, I want to conclude with one thought.
How do you expect to feel when you eat foods that were stripped completely of their nutrition? When the foods took zero prep time, cheap to buy, and quick to cook? Now, how do you think you would feel eating a food grown with love, sprouted by the earth, picked with care, and sold with pride? Eat whole foods and I will guarantee you will feel like a different person.
You can ask me. I cheated and ate pizza. And I felt like crap.
Be well.
Keep it up. If you really want to get 100% of the goal, you can always hit the reset button @ the cost of losing few days of hard work :p
ReplyDeleteThanks raja!